Things to Do at Home During School Closures

Things to Do at Home During School Closures

Things to Do at Home During School Closures

As coronavirus spreads through Colorado and the rest of the United States, organizations have responded with cancellations, postponed events, and school closures. This last precaution means more parents are facing the logistics and complications of suddenly having their children home all day. While many schools are implementing online courses and other remote learning procedures, that doesn’t do much to help combat the cabin fever that comes with kids exclusively staying indoors. Of course, you can fill the day with movies, board games, and maybe even some online shopping at However, there comes a time (probably around mid-morning) when you’re going to need a few ideas to keep your kids on track and preserve your sanity. To help all the Colorado parents out there, we’ve gathered a list of productive and entertaining things to do at home during school closures.

Continue to Prioritize Education

Usually, school closures mean it’s a snow day, and your kids get a rare and exciting day off. However, with the coming school closures, it’s important for your kids to remember that this isn’t an extended vacation. Education is still important throughout this time. When kids continue to practice and pursue their lessons while on break, they’ll have an easier transition once schools open again. Revisit textbooks, spelling words, and other assignments during the break. Educational games and programs can also be useful—just make sure your kids are using screens in moderation.

Don’t Rely on Screens

Speaking of screens, it can be tempting to take a lazy day and put on a movie or play video games. While these aren’t necessarily bad things to do at home during school closures, ensure your kids are getting the physical activity and social interaction they need as well. Head outside for an afternoon so everyone can get fresh air and spend some energy. The most important thing is to avoid large gatherings, and be careful around grandparents, neighbors, or other friends who might be more vulnerable due to having weaker immune systems.

Turn to Creativity

One of the best ways to pass the time at home is through arts and crafts. Help your kids flex their creative muscles through drawing, crafting, or otherwise creating things. Even puzzles and other hands-on mind games are a great way to keep the mind active while doing something fun. Creative activities also help you relieve stress while juggling everything else that’s going on.

Coronavirus has created some unusual circumstances in our lives, but it’s important to remember that this is a teaching moment for your children. When you stay calm and take measures to help your kids stay healthy, active, and happy, you’re showing them that they can overcome anything. Do your best to stay informed, set a good example, and spend quality time with your family.

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